The Scriptures Say's In These Day's Of Revelations We'll See Wonders In The Skies!

The Late John F Kennedy had just ten days just before the sad assassination
ordered the CIA to release all info on UFO's with the USSR.
For they were then willing to exchange the UFO facts for the later public release
however, the horrid assassination stopped it and Johnson never made a move on it afterwards.

Former President Jimmy Carter when running for governor was going over a speech before a rally when two of his aids saw a UFO.
He was amassed, when President he was briefed on UFO's, he was seen later with his elbows on the desk and hands over his face sobbing!
However, he got thousands of *safe* UFO documents released to the public during his one term, way more than any President!

When the late President Ronald Regan was in California running to be governor traveling to a rally on a jet, when he and two aids saw for minutes a UFO zip back and forth in the sky, then the UFO take off at an unbelievable speed.
When president he wanted to release about UFO's But, even Bush aided in blocking his every effort along with other parts of the federal government such as the CIA.
In *private* he spoke much about it for he said that he knew it's fact about UFO's It bothered him that he couldn't find-out more while President and was very greatly fascinated by it until his final years!
John Podesta was former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton also later also for President Obama that was asked in the first term would Obama release facts on UFO's.
He stated that all of info should be released for the public can now in being more mature be able to take the real truth.
The White House Order Kennedy Sent To The CIA!
This Is A Real Shot, It Isn't A Faked Photo In Anyway
There Was A Later Mitchell Eyeopening Interview At Age 82!
Even If Being Disclaimed By NASA He Stands Tall For Truth
By James M. Clash

On Feb. 5, 1971, Edgar Mitchell became the sixth of only 12 men to step on the moon. Of that elite dozen, which included Buzz Aldrin and the late Neil Armstrong 44 years ago this week, Mitchell is the only one to go on that's on record about his controversial belief in extraterrestrial UFOs -- and of a possible government cover-up.
Mitchell, 82, is no dummy. While on active duty as a test pilot for the U.S. Navy, he completed an M.S. in aeronautical engineering at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a doctorate in aeronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mitchell also served in combat during the Korean War as a fighter pilot. In 1970, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
After retiring from NASA in 1972, he founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences and later wrote “The Way of the Explorer” to document his experiences with mysticism and space.
I recently spoke on the telephone with the retired U.S. Navy Captain from his home in West Palm Beach, Florida. He was lucid and convincing with his heavy southern drawl, and just a little guarded.
Clash: Let’s start with the moon. Did you know your Apollo 14 crew mate Alan Shepard was going to “tee off” up there?
Moon Golf Mitchell: Yes, I knew before it happened. But I didn’t know quite when he was going to fit it in. After we had rolled up the solar wind experiment and put it in the data box, I did my javelin throw and he did a golf shot for the first “Lunar Olympics.” They were between 50 and 55 feet, and my javelin went four inches further than his golf ball. I’ve got the pictures to prove it!
Clash: Was there any big emotion when you stepped on the moon, or was it just part of a long list of things you had to do?
Mitchell: The latter is correct. Sure it was wonderful, we were pleased to do it and it was enjoyable to be among the first, but it was just part of a checklist we had practiced week after week at Cape Kennedy. We would go through the whole routine, rewrite it and modify it again until we were comfortable with the order.
And, of course, our mission on Apollo 14 was to be the first to do science on the moon, so we had to be careful about getting everything in during the allotted time. Apollo 11 and 12 were more to prove physically we could get (astronauts) down to the surface, then back safely to Earth.
Mitchell, 82, is no dummy. While on active duty as a test pilot for the U.S. Navy, he completed an M.S. in aeronautical engineering at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a doctorate in aeronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mitchell also served in combat during the Korean War as a fighter pilot. In 1970, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
After retiring from NASA in 1972, he founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences and later wrote “The Way of the Explorer” to document his experiences with mysticism and space.
I recently spoke on the telephone with the retired U.S. Navy Captain from his home in West Palm Beach, Florida. He was lucid and convincing with his heavy southern drawl, and just a little guarded.
Clash: Let’s start with the moon. Did you know your Apollo 14 crew mate Alan Shepard was going to “tee off” up there?
Moon Golf Mitchell: Yes, I knew before it happened. But I didn’t know quite when he was going to fit it in. After we had rolled up the solar wind experiment and put it in the data box, I did my javelin throw and he did a golf shot for the first “Lunar Olympics.” They were between 50 and 55 feet, and my javelin went four inches further than his golf ball. I’ve got the pictures to prove it!
Clash: Was there any big emotion when you stepped on the moon, or was it just part of a long list of things you had to do?
Mitchell: The latter is correct. Sure it was wonderful, we were pleased to do it and it was enjoyable to be among the first, but it was just part of a checklist we had practiced week after week at Cape Kennedy. We would go through the whole routine, rewrite it and modify it again until we were comfortable with the order.
And, of course, our mission on Apollo 14 was to be the first to do science on the moon, so we had to be careful about getting everything in during the allotted time. Apollo 11 and 12 were more to prove physically we could get (astronauts) down to the surface, then back safely to Earth.

Mars Base Clash: Do you believe we need to establish a base on the moon before sending humans to Mars, as some of your fellow Apollo astronauts do?
Mitchell: I don’t think there is much value in trying to use the moon as a base to go to Mars. That’s going into one gravity belt and having to get back out of it again. And the moon doesn’t have a lot to offer as a resource base. There is something we could mine there, I’m sure, but there are better ways to do it. We do need different types of propulsion to get to Mars. I wrote one of the first Ph.D. theses on that in the 1960s.
Clash: You’re also known for your views on UFOs. What’s your experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947?
Mitchell: After my space flight, I was contacted by descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site. Alien Bodies There was also a military officer who was a friend of the families not involved in that particular operation, but who did share office space there. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien.
Clash: If that’s the case, why has it been hushed up?
Mitchell: Initially I think there was justification in that leadership officials thought people weren’t ready to handle it. But we are well past that now. Frankly, and this is just personal opinion, remember what (President) Eisenhower said in his final speech: “Beware the military industrial complex.” I suspect that’s what we’re talking about. But it’s not just military. It’s a cabal of organizations primarily for a profit motive. We invented aircraft at the beginning of the 20th century. Money Involvement Twenty years later, we had an airline industry. Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with control of UFO machinery, technology. There’s a lot of money involved.
Clash: Have you ever seen a UFO yourself?
Mitchell: I consider myself fairly well informed, although I have not seen one personally. I’m not out there looking -- I’m pretty busy.
Clash: Have you been threatened by anyone about your outspokenness on the subject?
Mitchell: No, but they wouldn’t be very successful with me if they tried.
Clash: Are you disappointed that America last visited the moon back in 1972 and has only sent astronauts into low earth orbit since?
Mitchell: There is no question we have to continue with human space development to other planets. But we also need to get our economy running. Then we have to get the world organized to work on this because it is really too much for any one country. We need a community of nations capable of space flight because we all have to be off this planet sometime in the future. Our sun is going to burn out eventually, and we are not in a sustainable situation.
Mars Base Clash: Do you believe we need to establish a base on the moon before sending humans to Mars, as some of your fellow Apollo astronauts do?
Mitchell: I don’t think there is much value in trying to use the moon as a base to go to Mars. That’s going into one gravity belt and having to get back out of it again. And the moon doesn’t have a lot to offer as a resource base. There is something we could mine there, I’m sure, but there are better ways to do it. We do need different types of the propulsion to get to Mars. I wrote one of the first Ph.D. theses on that in the 1960s.
Clash: You’re also known for your views on UFOs. What’s your true experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947?
Mitchell: After my space flight, I was contacted, by the descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site.
Alien Bodies There was also a military officer who was a friend of the families not involved in that particular operation, but who did share office space there. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien.
Clash: If that’s the case, why has it been hushed up?
Mitchell: Initially I think there was justification in that leadership officials thought people weren’t ready to be able to handle it. But we are well past that now. Frankly, and this is just personal opinion, do you remember what President Eisenhower said in his final speech: “Beware the military industrial complex.” I suspect that’s what we’re talking about. But it’s not just military. It’s a cabal of organizations primarily for a profit motive. We invented aircraft at the beginning of the 20th century. Money Involvement Twenty years later, we had an airline industry. Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with control of UFO machinery, technology. There’s a lot of money involved.
Clash: Have you ever seen a UFO yourself?
Mitchell: I consider myself fairly well informed, although I have not seen one personally. I’m not out there looking -- I’m pretty busy.
Clash: Have you been threatened by anyone about your outspokenness on the subject?
Mitchell: No, but they wouldn’t be very successful with me if they tried.
Clash: Are you disappointed that America last visited the moon back in 1972 and has only sent astronauts into low earth orbit since?
Mitchell: There is no question we have to continue with human space development to other planets. But we also need to get our economy running. Then we have to get the world organized to work on this because it is really too much for any one country. We need a community of nations capable of space flight because we all have to be off this planet sometime in the future. Our sun is going to burn out eventually, and we are not in a sustainable situation.
Mitchell: I don’t think there is much value in trying to use the moon as a base to go to Mars. That’s going into one gravity belt and having to get back out of it again. And the moon doesn’t have a lot to offer as a resource base. There is something we could mine there, I’m sure, but there are better ways to do it. We do need different types of propulsion to get to Mars. I wrote one of the first Ph.D. theses on that in the 1960s.
Clash: You’re also known for your views on UFOs. What’s your experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947?
Mitchell: After my space flight, I was contacted by descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site. Alien Bodies There was also a military officer who was a friend of the families not involved in that particular operation, but who did share office space there. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien.
Clash: If that’s the case, why has it been hushed up?
Mitchell: Initially I think there was justification in that leadership officials thought people weren’t ready to handle it. But we are well past that now. Frankly, and this is just personal opinion, remember what (President) Eisenhower said in his final speech: “Beware the military industrial complex.” I suspect that’s what we’re talking about. But it’s not just military. It’s a cabal of organizations primarily for a profit motive. We invented aircraft at the beginning of the 20th century. Money Involvement Twenty years later, we had an airline industry. Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with control of UFO machinery, technology. There’s a lot of money involved.
Clash: Have you ever seen a UFO yourself?
Mitchell: I consider myself fairly well informed, although I have not seen one personally. I’m not out there looking -- I’m pretty busy.
Clash: Have you been threatened by anyone about your outspokenness on the subject?
Mitchell: No, but they wouldn’t be very successful with me if they tried.
Clash: Are you disappointed that America last visited the moon back in 1972 and has only sent astronauts into low earth orbit since?
Mitchell: There is no question we have to continue with human space development to other planets. But we also need to get our economy running. Then we have to get the world organized to work on this because it is really too much for any one country. We need a community of nations capable of space flight because we all have to be off this planet sometime in the future. Our sun is going to burn out eventually, and we are not in a sustainable situation.
Mars Base Clash: Do you believe we need to establish a base on the moon before sending humans to Mars, as some of your fellow Apollo astronauts do?
Mitchell: I don’t think there is much value in trying to use the moon as a base to go to Mars. That’s going into one gravity belt and having to get back out of it again. And the moon doesn’t have a lot to offer as a resource base. There is something we could mine there, I’m sure, but there are better ways to do it. We do need different types of the propulsion to get to Mars. I wrote one of the first Ph.D. theses on that in the 1960s.
Clash: You’re also known for your views on UFOs. What’s your true experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947?
Mitchell: After my space flight, I was contacted, by the descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site.
Alien Bodies There was also a military officer who was a friend of the families not involved in that particular operation, but who did share office space there. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien.
Clash: If that’s the case, why has it been hushed up?
Mitchell: Initially I think there was justification in that leadership officials thought people weren’t ready to be able to handle it. But we are well past that now. Frankly, and this is just personal opinion, do you remember what President Eisenhower said in his final speech: “Beware the military industrial complex.” I suspect that’s what we’re talking about. But it’s not just military. It’s a cabal of organizations primarily for a profit motive. We invented aircraft at the beginning of the 20th century. Money Involvement Twenty years later, we had an airline industry. Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with control of UFO machinery, technology. There’s a lot of money involved.
Clash: Have you ever seen a UFO yourself?
Mitchell: I consider myself fairly well informed, although I have not seen one personally. I’m not out there looking -- I’m pretty busy.
Clash: Have you been threatened by anyone about your outspokenness on the subject?
Mitchell: No, but they wouldn’t be very successful with me if they tried.
Clash: Are you disappointed that America last visited the moon back in 1972 and has only sent astronauts into low earth orbit since?
Mitchell: There is no question we have to continue with human space development to other planets. But we also need to get our economy running. Then we have to get the world organized to work on this because it is really too much for any one country. We need a community of nations capable of space flight because we all have to be off this planet sometime in the future. Our sun is going to burn out eventually, and we are not in a sustainable situation.

Mars Base Clash: Do you believe we need to establish a base on the moon before sending humans to Mars, as some of your fellow Apollo astronauts do?
Mitchell: I don’t think there is much value in trying to use the moon as a base to go to Mars. That’s going into one gravity belt and having to get back out of it again. And the moon doesn’t have a lot to offer as a resource base. There is something we could mine there, I’m sure, but there are better ways to do it. We do need different types of the propulsion to get to Mars. I wrote one of the first Ph.D. theses on that in the 1960s.
Clash: You’re also known for your views on UFOs. What’s your true experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947?
Mitchell: After my space flight, I was contacted, by the descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site.
Alien Bodies There was also a military officer who was a friend of the families not involved in that particular operation, but who did share office space there. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien.
Clash: If that’s the case, why has it been hushed up?
Mitchell: Initially I think there was justification in that leadership officials thought people weren’t ready to be able to handle it. But we are well past that now. Frankly, and this is just personal opinion, do you remember what President Eisenhower said in his final speech: “Beware the military industrial complex.” I suspect that’s what we’re talking about. But it’s not just military. It’s a cabal of organizations primarily for a profit motive. We invented aircraft at the beginning of the 20th century. Money Involvement Twenty years later, we had an airline industry. Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with control of UFO machinery, technology. There’s a lot of money involved.
Clash: Have you ever seen a UFO yourself?
Mitchell: I consider myself fairly well informed, although I have not seen one personally. I’m not out there looking -- I’m pretty busy.
Clash: Have you been threatened by anyone about your outspokenness on the subject?
Mitchell: No, but they wouldn’t be very successful with me if they tried.
Clash: Are you disappointed that America last visited the moon back in 1972 and has only sent astronauts into low earth orbit since?
Mitchell: There is no question we have to continue with human space development to other planets. But we also need to get our economy running. Then we have to get the world organized to work on this because it is really too much for any one country. We need a community of nations capable of space flight because we all have to be off this planet sometime in the future. Our sun is going to burn out eventually, and we are not in a sustainable situation.
Mitchell: I don’t think there is much value in trying to use the moon as a base to go to Mars. That’s going into one gravity belt and having to get back out of it again. And the moon doesn’t have a lot to offer as a resource base. There is something we could mine there, I’m sure, but there are better ways to do it. We do need different types of the propulsion to get to Mars. I wrote one of the first Ph.D. theses on that in the 1960s.
Clash: You’re also known for your views on UFOs. What’s your true experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947?
Mitchell: After my space flight, I was contacted, by the descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site.
Alien Bodies There was also a military officer who was a friend of the families not involved in that particular operation, but who did share office space there. They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies found were alien.
Clash: If that’s the case, why has it been hushed up?
Mitchell: Initially I think there was justification in that leadership officials thought people weren’t ready to be able to handle it. But we are well past that now. Frankly, and this is just personal opinion, do you remember what President Eisenhower said in his final speech: “Beware the military industrial complex.” I suspect that’s what we’re talking about. But it’s not just military. It’s a cabal of organizations primarily for a profit motive. We invented aircraft at the beginning of the 20th century. Money Involvement Twenty years later, we had an airline industry. Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with control of UFO machinery, technology. There’s a lot of money involved.
Clash: Have you ever seen a UFO yourself?
Mitchell: I consider myself fairly well informed, although I have not seen one personally. I’m not out there looking -- I’m pretty busy.
Clash: Have you been threatened by anyone about your outspokenness on the subject?
Mitchell: No, but they wouldn’t be very successful with me if they tried.
Clash: Are you disappointed that America last visited the moon back in 1972 and has only sent astronauts into low earth orbit since?
Mitchell: There is no question we have to continue with human space development to other planets. But we also need to get our economy running. Then we have to get the world organized to work on this because it is really too much for any one country. We need a community of nations capable of space flight because we all have to be off this planet sometime in the future. Our sun is going to burn out eventually, and we are not in a sustainable situation.

Strange Apollo 17 conversation:
They find something startling, and are ordered to immediately switch to code DMP (lunar module pilot)
What are you learning? Capcom: Hot spots on the Moon, Jack? DMP: Where are your big anomalies? Can you summarize them quickly? Capcom: Jack, we'll get that for you on the next pass. CMP (command module pilot): Hey, I can see a bright spot down there on the landing site where they might have blown off some of that halo stuff. Capcom: Roger. Interesting. Very - go to KILO. KILO. CMP: Hey, it's gray now and the number one extends. Capcom: Roger. We got it. And we copy that it's all on the way down there. Go to KILO. KILO on that. CMP: Mode is going to HM. Recorder is off. Lose a little communication there, huh? Okay, there's bravo. Bravo, select OMNI. Hey, you know you'll never believe it. I'm right over the edge of Orientale. I just looked down and saw the light flash again. Capcom: Roger. Understand. CMP: Right at the end of the rille. Capcom: Any chances of - ? CMP: That's on the east of Orientale. Capcom: You don't suppose it could be Vostok? (a Russian probe). Wilson writes (p. 141): "The Vostok flights took place in the early sixties and were *strictly Earth orbiters*. They never reached the Moon!"
They find something startling, and are ordered to immediately switch to code DMP (lunar module pilot)
What are you learning? Capcom: Hot spots on the Moon, Jack? DMP: Where are your big anomalies? Can you summarize them quickly? Capcom: Jack, we'll get that for you on the next pass. CMP (command module pilot): Hey, I can see a bright spot down there on the landing site where they might have blown off some of that halo stuff. Capcom: Roger. Interesting. Very - go to KILO. KILO. CMP: Hey, it's gray now and the number one extends. Capcom: Roger. We got it. And we copy that it's all on the way down there. Go to KILO. KILO on that. CMP: Mode is going to HM. Recorder is off. Lose a little communication there, huh? Okay, there's bravo. Bravo, select OMNI. Hey, you know you'll never believe it. I'm right over the edge of Orientale. I just looked down and saw the light flash again. Capcom: Roger. Understand. CMP: Right at the end of the rille. Capcom: Any chances of - ? CMP: That's on the east of Orientale. Capcom: You don't suppose it could be Vostok? (a Russian probe). Wilson writes (p. 141): "The Vostok flights took place in the early sixties and were *strictly Earth orbiters*. They never reached the Moon!"

Apollo 16: Another Strange Conversation!
Wilson writes (p. 141): "While on the Moon, did any of our astronauts see any indication of alien handiwork, such as strange constructions, disturbances or the like? Consider this strange Apollo 16 conversation:"
Orion: Orion has landed. I can't see how in how fat the (garble) ... this is a blocked field we're in from the south ray - tremendous difference in the albedo. I just get the feeling that these rocks may have come from somewhere else. Everywhere we saw the ground, which is about the whole sunlit side, you had the very same delineation the Apollo 15 photography was shown on Hadley, Delta and Radley Mountains ... Capcom: O.K. Go ahead. Orion: I'm looking out here at Stone Mountain and it's got - it looks like somebody has been out there plowing across the side of it. The beaches the benches look like one sort of terrace after another, right up the side. They sort of followed the contour of it right around. Capcom: Any difference in the terraces?
Orion: No, Tony. Not that I could tell form here. These terraces could be raised but of (garble) or something like that ... Casper: (Mattingly in lunar orbit overhead): Another strange sight over here. It looks - a flashing light - I think it's Annbell. Another crater here looks as though it's flooded except that this same material seems to run up on the outside. You can see a definite patch of this stuff that's run down inside. And that material lays or has been structured on top of it, but it lays on top of things that are outside and higher. It's a very strange operation. Wilson writes (p.142): "And we might add that this is a very strange conversation. What are the real meanings of such terms used here as structure, blocked field, beaches, benches, terraces and the like? NASA claims that they are just metaphoric terms to describe unusual natural formations."
Wilson writes (p. 141): "While on the Moon, did any of our astronauts see any indication of alien handiwork, such as strange constructions, disturbances or the like? Consider this strange Apollo 16 conversation:"
Orion: Orion has landed. I can't see how in how fat the (garble) ... this is a blocked field we're in from the south ray - tremendous difference in the albedo. I just get the feeling that these rocks may have come from somewhere else. Everywhere we saw the ground, which is about the whole sunlit side, you had the very same delineation the Apollo 15 photography was shown on Hadley, Delta and Radley Mountains ... Capcom: O.K. Go ahead. Orion: I'm looking out here at Stone Mountain and it's got - it looks like somebody has been out there plowing across the side of it. The beaches the benches look like one sort of terrace after another, right up the side. They sort of followed the contour of it right around. Capcom: Any difference in the terraces?
Orion: No, Tony. Not that I could tell form here. These terraces could be raised but of (garble) or something like that ... Casper: (Mattingly in lunar orbit overhead): Another strange sight over here. It looks - a flashing light - I think it's Annbell. Another crater here looks as though it's flooded except that this same material seems to run up on the outside. You can see a definite patch of this stuff that's run down inside. And that material lays or has been structured on top of it, but it lays on top of things that are outside and higher. It's a very strange operation. Wilson writes (p.142): "And we might add that this is a very strange conversation. What are the real meanings of such terms used here as structure, blocked field, beaches, benches, terraces and the like? NASA claims that they are just metaphoric terms to describe unusual natural formations."

Live Feed Of Astronauts In Space Much Unnoticed Or Blocked!
Strange Apollo 16 Talk Ground To Air Conversation
Capcom: What about the albedo change in the subsurface soil? Of course you saw it first at Flagg and were probably more excited about it there. Was there any difference in it there - and Buster and Alsep and LM? Duke: No. Around the Alsep it was just in spots. At Plum it seemed to be everywhere. My predominant impression was that the white albedo was (garble) than the fine cover on top.
Capcom: O.K. Just a question for you, John. When you got halfway, or even thought it was halfway, we understand you looped around south, is that right? Young: That is affirm. We came upon - Barbara.
Wilson writes (p.140): "Joseph H. Goodavage, whom included this conversation in a Saga magazine article comments: "Barbara? That really needs some explanation
so I made an appointment with NASA geologist Farouk El Baz at National Aeronautics and Space Museum. Here's how part of our conversation went: Saga: What do you suppose Young meant when he said they came upon "Barbara"? El Baz:I can't really say. Code perhaps ... Saga: But Barbara is an odd name for something on the Moon, isn't it? l Baz: Yes, an enigma. As I suggested, perhaps a code, but I don't really know."
Strange Apollo 16 Talk Ground To Air Conversation
Capcom: What about the albedo change in the subsurface soil? Of course you saw it first at Flagg and were probably more excited about it there. Was there any difference in it there - and Buster and Alsep and LM? Duke: No. Around the Alsep it was just in spots. At Plum it seemed to be everywhere. My predominant impression was that the white albedo was (garble) than the fine cover on top.
Capcom: O.K. Just a question for you, John. When you got halfway, or even thought it was halfway, we understand you looped around south, is that right? Young: That is affirm. We came upon - Barbara.
Wilson writes (p.140): "Joseph H. Goodavage, whom included this conversation in a Saga magazine article comments: "Barbara? That really needs some explanation
so I made an appointment with NASA geologist Farouk El Baz at National Aeronautics and Space Museum. Here's how part of our conversation went: Saga: What do you suppose Young meant when he said they came upon "Barbara"? El Baz:I can't really say. Code perhaps ... Saga: But Barbara is an odd name for something on the Moon, isn't it? l Baz: Yes, an enigma. As I suggested, perhaps a code, but I don't really know."

Strange Apollo 17 Conversation About "Watermarks" On The Moon!
However NASA Allows
The CIA To Cover Up All
Capcom: Roger, America, we're tracking you on the map here, watching it. LMP: O.K. Al Buruni has got variations on its floor. Variations in the lights and its albedo. It almost looks like a pattern as if the water were flowing up on a beach.
Not in great areas, but in small areas around the southern side, and the part that looks like the water-washing pattern is a much lighter albedo, although I cannot see any real source of it. The texture, however, looks the same. Capcom: America, Houston. We'd like you to hold off switching to OMNI Charlie until we can cue you on that.
DMP: Wilco. LMP: Was there any indication on the seismometers on the impact about the time I saw a bright flash on the surface? Capcom: Stand by. We'll check on that, Jack. LMP: A UFO perhaps, don't worry about it. I thought somebody was looking at it. It could have been one of the other flashes of light. Capcom: Roger. We copies the time and ... LMP: I have the place marked. Capcom: Pass it on to the back room. LMP: O.K. I've marked it on the map, too. Capcom: Jack, just some words from the back room for you. There may have been an impact at the time you called, but the Moon is still ringing from the impact of the S-IVB impact. So it would mask any other impact. So they may be able to strip it out at another time, but right now they don't see anything at the time you called. MP: Just my luck. Just looking at the southern edge of Grimaldi, Bob, and - that Graben is pre-Mare. Pre-Mare!
Apcom: O.K., I copy on that, Jack. And as long as we're talking about Grimaldi we'd like to have you brief Ron exactly on the location of that flashing light you saw ... We'll probably ask him to take a picture of it. Maybe during one of his solo periods. Notice that the Capcom reiterates that it was a *flashing* light. It was therefore *no* meteor impact that they were witnessing. Notice also that the Lunar Command Pilot specifically mentions the word "UFO". Wilson writes (p. 60): "This last conversation makes it obvious that both our astronauts and NASA do not take these sightings of light or UFOs lightly. Maps were marked and photographs were taken at the sites of these occurrences.
" While the Apollo 17 astronauts were discussing the "Watermarks", the sighting of the UFO occurred. The conversation then returns to the Watermarks. DMP: O.K. 96:03. Now we're getting some clear - looks like pretty clear high watermarks on this - CMP: There's high watermarks all over the place there. LMP: On the north part of Tranquillitatis. That's Maraldi there, isn't it? Are you sure we're 13 miles up? Capcom: You're 14 to be exact, Ron. LMP: I tell you there's some mare, ride or scarps that are very, very sinuous - just passing one. They not only cross the low planar areas but go right up the side of a crater in one place and a hill in another. It looks very much like a constructional ridge - a mare-like ridge that is clearly *as constructional as I would want to see it*."
However NASA Allows
The CIA To Cover Up All
Capcom: Roger, America, we're tracking you on the map here, watching it. LMP: O.K. Al Buruni has got variations on its floor. Variations in the lights and its albedo. It almost looks like a pattern as if the water were flowing up on a beach.
Not in great areas, but in small areas around the southern side, and the part that looks like the water-washing pattern is a much lighter albedo, although I cannot see any real source of it. The texture, however, looks the same. Capcom: America, Houston. We'd like you to hold off switching to OMNI Charlie until we can cue you on that.
DMP: Wilco. LMP: Was there any indication on the seismometers on the impact about the time I saw a bright flash on the surface? Capcom: Stand by. We'll check on that, Jack. LMP: A UFO perhaps, don't worry about it. I thought somebody was looking at it. It could have been one of the other flashes of light. Capcom: Roger. We copies the time and ... LMP: I have the place marked. Capcom: Pass it on to the back room. LMP: O.K. I've marked it on the map, too. Capcom: Jack, just some words from the back room for you. There may have been an impact at the time you called, but the Moon is still ringing from the impact of the S-IVB impact. So it would mask any other impact. So they may be able to strip it out at another time, but right now they don't see anything at the time you called. MP: Just my luck. Just looking at the southern edge of Grimaldi, Bob, and - that Graben is pre-Mare. Pre-Mare!
Apcom: O.K., I copy on that, Jack. And as long as we're talking about Grimaldi we'd like to have you brief Ron exactly on the location of that flashing light you saw ... We'll probably ask him to take a picture of it. Maybe during one of his solo periods. Notice that the Capcom reiterates that it was a *flashing* light. It was therefore *no* meteor impact that they were witnessing. Notice also that the Lunar Command Pilot specifically mentions the word "UFO". Wilson writes (p. 60): "This last conversation makes it obvious that both our astronauts and NASA do not take these sightings of light or UFOs lightly. Maps were marked and photographs were taken at the sites of these occurrences.
" While the Apollo 17 astronauts were discussing the "Watermarks", the sighting of the UFO occurred. The conversation then returns to the Watermarks. DMP: O.K. 96:03. Now we're getting some clear - looks like pretty clear high watermarks on this - CMP: There's high watermarks all over the place there. LMP: On the north part of Tranquillitatis. That's Maraldi there, isn't it? Are you sure we're 13 miles up? Capcom: You're 14 to be exact, Ron. LMP: I tell you there's some mare, ride or scarps that are very, very sinuous - just passing one. They not only cross the low planar areas but go right up the side of a crater in one place and a hill in another. It looks very much like a constructional ridge - a mare-like ridge that is clearly *as constructional as I would want to see it*."

Was Public Transmission Was Blocked?
Normal Process Ordered By The CIA
For The Public Not Hear Facts
The book "Celestial Raise" by Richard Watson and ASSK [P.O. Box 35 Mt. Shasta CA. 96067 (916)-926-2316); 1987; page 147-148] records the following (continuation?) of the above remarkable dialogue of Apollo 11, which was picked up by hundreds of ham radio operators in the USA:
"During the transmission of the Moon landing of Armstrong and Aldrin, who journeyed to the Moon in an American spaceship, two minutes of silence occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. NASA insisted that this problem was the result of one of the television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the reception.
This unexpected problem surprised even the most qualified of viewers who were unable to explain how in such a costly project, one of the most essential elements could break down... Some time after the historic Moon landing, Christopher Craft, director of the base in Houston, made some surprising comments when he left NASA.
The contents of these comments, which is included in the conversations [below], has been corroborated by hundreds of amateur radio operators who had connected their stations to the same frequency through which the astronauts transmitted. During the two minute interruption - which was not as it seemed, NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin with Cape Kennedy, censored both image and sound. 'I say that there were other spaceships.'
Here is reproduced completely the dialogue between the American astronauts and Control Center: Armstrong & Aldrin: Those are giant things. No, no, no - this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this! Houston (Christopher Craft): What ... what ... what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you? Armstrong & Aldrin: They're here under the surface. Houston: What's there? (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling 'Apollo 11'.
Armstrong & Aldrin: We saw some visitors. They were here for a while, observing the instruments. Houston: Repeat your last information! Armstrong & Aldrin: I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up in the other side of the crater! Houston: Repeat, repeat! Armstrong & Aldrin: Let us sound this orbit ... in 625 to 5 ... Automatic relay connected ... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything - what then? Houston: Have you picked up anything? Armstrong & Aldrin: I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film Houston: Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over? Armstrong & Aldrin: They've landed here. There they are and they're watching us. Houston: The mirrors, the mirrors - have you set them up? Armstrong & Aldrin: Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.
Normal Process Ordered By The CIA
For The Public Not Hear Facts
The book "Celestial Raise" by Richard Watson and ASSK [P.O. Box 35 Mt. Shasta CA. 96067 (916)-926-2316); 1987; page 147-148] records the following (continuation?) of the above remarkable dialogue of Apollo 11, which was picked up by hundreds of ham radio operators in the USA:
"During the transmission of the Moon landing of Armstrong and Aldrin, who journeyed to the Moon in an American spaceship, two minutes of silence occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. NASA insisted that this problem was the result of one of the television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the reception.
This unexpected problem surprised even the most qualified of viewers who were unable to explain how in such a costly project, one of the most essential elements could break down... Some time after the historic Moon landing, Christopher Craft, director of the base in Houston, made some surprising comments when he left NASA.
The contents of these comments, which is included in the conversations [below], has been corroborated by hundreds of amateur radio operators who had connected their stations to the same frequency through which the astronauts transmitted. During the two minute interruption - which was not as it seemed, NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin with Cape Kennedy, censored both image and sound. 'I say that there were other spaceships.'
Here is reproduced completely the dialogue between the American astronauts and Control Center: Armstrong & Aldrin: Those are giant things. No, no, no - this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this! Houston (Christopher Craft): What ... what ... what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you? Armstrong & Aldrin: They're here under the surface. Houston: What's there? (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling 'Apollo 11'.
Armstrong & Aldrin: We saw some visitors. They were here for a while, observing the instruments. Houston: Repeat your last information! Armstrong & Aldrin: I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up in the other side of the crater! Houston: Repeat, repeat! Armstrong & Aldrin: Let us sound this orbit ... in 625 to 5 ... Automatic relay connected ... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything - what then? Houston: Have you picked up anything? Armstrong & Aldrin: I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film Houston: Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over? Armstrong & Aldrin: They've landed here. There they are and they're watching us. Houston: The mirrors, the mirrors - have you set them up? Armstrong & Aldrin: Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.

I must state that all the UFO information on my website was sent to me a number of years ago, by an unknown person and/or persons. You'd be truly shocked the elected that I've known and/or did projects me known as an idea Man, such as five Presidents and the like.
My message on page four that I humbly apologize, not to explain nor tell the stories I just don't people to think nor call me a nutcase.
~ I pray that you enjoy the information on my website. ~
~ May God bless you! ~
My message on page four that I humbly apologize, not to explain nor tell the stories I just don't people to think nor call me a nutcase.
~ I pray that you enjoy the information on my website. ~
~ May God bless you! ~